Rust training

Rust is a fast and efficient programming language that guarantees memory safety and type safety.

Whether you're writing cloud services or low-level code, we can help you explore what Rust can do for your projects.

All training we offer can be tailored to your needs and is led by our experienced Rust trainers that work on Rust engineering projects on a daily basis.

Our training programs

  • Customizable
  • multi-day programs
  • Experienced trainers
  • On-site & online

Explore Rust

Want to introduce your engineers to Rust as a language? Or do you want to find out if Rust is a good fit for your projects? Then this training is for you. Topics typically include:
  • Overview of the Rust language
  • Get to know the tooling
  • Intro to interop with C

Rust for Web

Want to find out what Rust can offer for developing state-of-the-art web applications? In this training we share our knowledge of years of web server development with Rust. Topics typically include:
  • The Tokio Runtime
  • Using a dedicated web framework like Axum or Rocket
  • Interacting with databases like Postgres

Embedded Rust

Want to unleash the power of Rust on your embedded applications? We cover the basics to get you started and can do a deep dive if you like. Attending “Explore Rust” or basic knowledge of Rust is required. Topics typically include:
  • Overview of Rust Embedded ecosystem
  • Writing a platform-agnostic driver
  • Asynch Rust for embedded

Rust in existing projects

Want to use Rust within an existing code base? In this workshop we show you how to start introducing Rust step by step in existing projects. Topics typically include:
  • Using C code form Rust, or Rust code from C
  • Generating FFI bindings automatically, and designing idiomatic Rust APIs
  • Rust extensions for higher-level languages (Python, Ruby, NodeJS)


Tweede golf's embedded Rust training was perfectly tailored to our needs, providing practical and hands-on instruction. Their expertise in embedded systems and Rust programming made the learning process effective and applicable. I highly recommend their services for any team looking to deepen their knowledge in embedded Rust.
Jeff Glaum
Principal Software Development Lead - Microsoft


Tweede golf delivered an embedded Rust workshop at Sioux, presented by two experienced instructors who showed us the advantages of using Rust in embedded projects. It was very well received and provided the tools to start using Rust in future projects. Recommended!
Jeroen Lamain
Software Architect - Sioux Technologies

Rust for business

Excited about Rust, but wondering how to get your (non-technical) stakeholders on board? Download our slide deck 'Adopting Rust to Achieve Business Goals', based on data, testimonials and 20+ sources.
Download slide deck

In-company presentation

Excited about Rust, but not quite ready to put your team through Rust training? We offer a remote, 45-min presentation about what Rust has to offer - including its limitations - by on of our trainers to your engineering teams.
Download presentation leaflet


Tweede golf delivered three days of Rust training which focused on the basics of the Rust programming language as well more advanced topics such as async programming and FFI with Python. Tailoring the contents of the training to our project’s needs helped us to see how Rust can help us in future projects. The trainers have in-depth knowledge and are very skilled at helping you overcome the somewhat steep learning curve of Rust!
Niels Meima
Researcher Computing Science - TNO

Meet the trainers

Embedded software engineer
Systems software engineer
Software engineer
Software Engineer
Embedded software engineer


Tweede golf organized a highly successful introduction to Rust at Albelli. The thorough preperation, clear content, and the instructors' adept handling of questions allowed participants to compare Rust with their usual programming languages. This hands-on experience sparked the integration of Rust into our technology stack. Highly recommended for organizations looking to embrace Rust seamlessly.
Joachim den Hertog
Principal Engineer - Albelli


Blogs about a selection of past training sessions
Co-owner & Business director
Embedded software engineer
Software Engineer
Co-owner & Director of Open Source