Our work
A selection of our work in web, systems and embedded engineering.
Embedded systems

Charging station controller

BlueBird Power is innovating the consumer home energy system with its home charging station. They paired up with our embedded team to develop the charging control firmware that interfaces with the car. The firmware meets the time and safety-critical requirements of working with high power.

IoT tracking sensor

Dutch IoT Solutions build asset trackers. They are very low power and water resistant, with LTE Cat M1, NB-IoT and Wi-Fi connectivity. Due to its unique algorithm the tracker has a lifetime of over 5 years on the same batteries. Our joint team developed the firmware and backend services for the platform these devices run on.

Satellite firmware

Our team supported the developers at Gama Space with their on-board solar sail satellite firmware, which deploys the sail and facilitates communication to the ground station. Gama Space works on solar sailing to enable deep space exploration and chose Rust as their core technology to ensure maximal reliability of their software systems.
Web engineering

Trust Spanning Protocol

The Trust Spanning Protocol provides encrypted-and-authenticated communication between parties that use various identity providers, and can also be used to establish private identities and relationships between parties. We developed the Rust SDK for TSP together with Futurewei Technologies, based on the first draft of the Trust over IP Foundation.

Gamified learning tool

For researchers at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour, our team developed MindSort, an educational game and a web-based language learning tool. Users can choose to share their data for neuro-linguistic research purposes.

EV communications platform

Lightyear developed a revolutionary solar-powered EV. Our Rust experts were part of the team that built Lightyear's Core Platform: the cloud-hosted platform that connects customers, vehicles, and backend systems. Our devs did engineering work as well as training of (new) team members on the job.

Digital identity verification

Our team developed the Verder Helpen platform, which allows goverments to verify the identity of citizens during digital communication, such as video calls and chat applications. The platform was created for Dutch local governments, is DigiD-compliant, and works with various wallets as well.
Systems engineering

Emergency response

Dutch emergency services (fire brigade, (air) ambulance, police, etc) depend on the P2000 paging system to respond to alarms. This system is from the 90s, making resources and bandwidth extremely limited. We worked on a new Rust implementation, including scheduling and encoding messages for the pagers, in collaboration with our client's engineers, Technolution.

Time synchronization

Running on millions of devices and servers, NTP and PTP are vital building blocks of the Internet and other critical infrastructure. Our initiative, Project Pendulum, provides memory-safe time synchronization.
Funded by Sovereign Tech Fund, Prossimo and NLnet Foundation.

Sudo and su

For the ISRG, the creators of Let's Encrypt, we implemented sudo-rs, a Rust implementation of the ubiquitous Linux 'sudo' command, critical on open-source operating systems that power the Internet.
The project is a joint effort with Ferrous Systems.
What our clients say about us
Internet Security Research Group:
Delivering solid results quickly, comes from a team that is focused on the task at hand. That definitely is an aspect of TG's work that we appreciate because it leads to impressive efficiency.
Josh Aas
Executive Director and Co-Founder - Internet Security Research Group
GAMA has been collaborating with a small team of embedded Rust experts at Tweede Golf on ambitious space systems. Their expertise across a number of embedded systems topics ensures we deliver correct, safe and performant software to push solar system exploration forwards. We are satisfied and look forward to continuing to work together.
Chris de Claverie
AOCS/GNC Team Leader - Gama
Bluebird Power:
Tweede golf developed a crucial part of the charging control firmware in our home EV charging station, ahead of schedule. We're especially glad that the same team of developers will be working with us on the next steps of this project. We are impressed by both the quality and the pace of Tweede golf's work.
Bart Holthuizen
Co-Founder - Bluebird Power
Tweede golf delivered an embedded Rust workshop at Sioux, presented by two experienced instructors who showed us the advantages of using Rust in embedded projects. It was very well received and provided the tools to start using Rust in future projects. Recommended!
Jeroen Lamain
Software Architect - Sioux Technologies
Dutch Electoral Council:
The Dutch Electoral Council is glad to be developing new election software with Tweede golf. The Tweede golf engineers have integrated into the internal dev team and their expertise has taken this project to the next level. The Council is especially happy that there are companies that, just like us, aim to build better, open and independently verifiable software.
Niels Hatzmann
Abacus Team Lead - Dutch Electoral Council
Schola Medica:
I highly recommend Tweede Golf as software partner. Throughout our collaboration, they excelled in alignment, open communication, and taking leadership when needed. They delivered a product that not only exceeded our expectations, but also met a real demand among general practitioners, showcasing their deep understanding of the field alongside their professionalism, creativity, and dedication to quality.
Boukje van Dijk
General Practitioner and Project Lead - Schola Medica