Project Pendulum
Pendulum focuses on security and robustness and provides memory safety through Rust. Statime (PTP) and ntpd-rs (NTP) are the two projects that constitute Pendulum.

Why Pendulum?

The projects
ntpd-rs is an open-source implementation of the Network Time Protocol completely written in Rust, with a focus on exposing a minimal attack surface. This video explains how ntpd-rs brings NTP into the modern era.
The project was initially funded by ISRG's Prossimo, as part of their mission to achieve memory safety for the Internet's most critical infrastructure. The NTP initiative page on Prossimo's website tells the story.
ntpd-rs is part of Project Pendulum. In July of 2023 the Sovereign Tech Fund invested in Pendulum, securing development and maintenance in 2023, and maintenance and adoption work in 2024.

Statime is an initiative of Tweede golf, an open-source implementation of the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) in Rust.
High-precision timing is part of crucial networking infrastructure. With Statime we provide a memory-safe alternative for existing implementations.
The first milestones of the project were kindly co-funded by the NLnet Foundation.
Statime is part of Project Pendulum. In July of 2023 the Sovereign Tech Fund invested in Pendulum, securing development and maintenance in 2023, and maintenance and adoption work in 2024.

What ISRG has to say
Delivering solid results quickly, comes from a team that is focused on the task at hand. That definitely is an aspect of TG's work that we appreciate because it leads to impressive efficiency.
Support us
Blog posts on Pendulum
Introducing ntpd-rs metrics
ntpd-rs: Folkert explains the project (video)
Statime continues: Boundary Clocks and Master Ports
First stable release of ntpd-rs
Clients & partners
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