
Tech blog on web, security & embedded
Java is one of the most commonly used programming languages that we have not yet discussed in our Rust Interop Guide. In this article, we will discuss three different methods to call Rust code from Java: JNI, JNR-FFI and Project Panama. We will show the differences between these methods and we will do some basic benchmarking to compare their performance. These methods not only work for Java but also for other JVM languages like Kotlin. Here we will mainly focus on Java, but Kotlin examples are available in the Kotlin branch of our GitHub repository.
Last November, we announced that our open-source Rust implementation of the latest version of the Open Automated Demand Response (OpenADR) standard had officially joined the Linux Energy Foundation’s OpenLEADR project. Today, we’re excited to share some of the early traction we’re seeing, outline our future plans, and invite your support in shaping what’s next.
January 21, 2025

The hunt for error -22

This article is a linear retrospective of how we searched for and eventually fixed a hard-to-find bug in our embedded software. If you're only interested in the outcome, then make sure to read the last three sections.

This article was authored by Jordy Aaldering and Folkert de Vries

Over the past couple of months, we teamed up with Bernard van Gastel and Jordy Aaldering at Radboud University's Software Energy Lab to measure nea's energy efficiency.

At the beginning of October, David and I went to ISPCS in Tokyo. The ISPCS (IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization) is all about the PTP protocol and related technologies, and we attended because of Statime, our Rust implementation of the Precision Time Protocol.

The NTP protocol is used by many devices to synchronize their system clocks. However, many devices use SNTP clients (Simple NTP) which are even more vulnerable to interference. As most (S)NTP packets are unauthenticated, they are vulnerable to spoofing, making it possible to change a device's time by manipulating (S)NTP packets.

In this blog, we discuss how (S)NTP packets can be forged to manipulate a device's system clock. Especially on the default SNTP client for many Linux systems, this turned out to be very easy. We will also dicuss the consequences of such attacks, as well as how these attacks can be prevented.

OpenLEADR development is ramping up again with a new Rust implementation of OpenADR 3.0 becoming part of the OpenLEADR project.
Can we currently reason about Rust code with absolute certainty? Not really, but we should be able to. In this article, we dive into the reasons why it may be time for a Rust specification.
October 30, 2024

Enabling pools in NTS

We previously talked about how secure time is required for a safe internet. We mentioned how we want to increase the adoption of NTS, the secure time synchronization standard built on top of NTP. For this, we proposed to develop a public NTS pool. In this article, we expand on what pooling is, and what is required to enable an NTS pool.
In my job I get to speak to lots of people about Rust. Some are just starting out, some have barely ever heard of it, and then some people are running Rust silently in production at a very large company in a very serious product.
Our Statime project now provides strong synchronization performance and accurate synchronization error estimates without manual tuning for any specific hardware, because it automatically determines the main uncertainty parameters for a Kalman-based clock servo. This process is described in a scientific paper, soon to be published by the IEEE.
We've been writing how-tos about using Rust in existing C, Python, and C++ projects, but this article shows you an in-production example of Rust interoperability: Recently I worked on exposing the TSP Rust API to Python and NodeJS users.
September 17, 2024

Mix in Rust with C++

This article will help you to slowly introduce some Rust into your C++ project. We'll familiarize ourselves with the tooling and go through some examples.
In this article, we'll dive into combining Rust with Python. Specifically, this post covers calling modules written in Rust from Python scripts.
Our zlib-rs project implements a drop-in replacement for, a dynamic library that is widely used to perform gzip (de)compression.
Can't wait to learn how to call C code from your Rust project after reading my previous posts about Rust interop in general and calling Rust from C? Good! If you haven't read those yet, please do, because I'm going to assume you have in this article. We've seen the basics of Rust's FFI, and have experimented with calling Rust from C. Going the other way around, you'll walk into much the same challenges.
The other day I came across Diplomat, an opinionated tool that makes a lot of choices for you. If you've read my previous post in this series, you'll have seen that that can be quite valuable. If you haven't read the previous article yet, do so before continuing to read this one, as it'll help you appreciate the concepts in this post, and it introduces the example as well.

As part of the development of our Precision Time Protocol implementation, Statime, we want to know how it performs compared to other implementations of PTP.

To figure this out, last April we visited VSL, the Dutch National Metrology Institute. There, we performed comparitive precision tests between Statime and Linux PTP.

Will Rust still exist, and have proper support, 10, 20 or even 30 years from now? We’ve been asked this question multiple times in the last year. It is a fair question, as adopting any new technology requires an investment and comes with uncertainties, one of them being the durability of the technology. This article explains why we expect Rust to stand the test of time.
Let's be frank: Rust is a cool language, but there's not a chance I'm introducing it in my company if I can't get any engineers for it. We'll stick with technologies with a much healthier job market.
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