Rust engineering

We build software that is secure by construction with Rust. For systems, web, and embedded platforms.
Our engineers are Rust experts. They can work as part of your team, or as a standalone team.

Our domains

  • Short-term or long-term
  • Engineering team and consulting

Systems engineering

We help our clients to build modern, memory-safe systems components with Rust.
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Web engineering

We help clients create modern, secure and performant web and cloud solutions with Rust, from frontend to backend.
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Embedded engineering

From firmware and driver development, to IoT product development, we help clients build modern embedded software with Rust.
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Internet Security Research Group:

Delivering solid results quickly, comes from a team that is focused on the task at hand. That definitely is an aspect of TG's work that we appreciate because it leads to impressive efficiency.
Josh Aas
Executive Director and Co-Founder - Internet Security Research Group

Our work

Cases to judge our experience by

Satellite firmware

Our team supported the developers at Gama Space with their on-board solar sail satellite firmware, which deploys the sail and facilitates communication to the ground station. Gama Space works on solar sailing to enable deep space exploration and chose Rust as their core technology to ensure maximal reliability of their software systems.

Time synchronization

Running on millions of devices and servers, NTP and PTP are vital building blocks of the Internet and other critical infrastructure. Our initiative, Project Pendulum, provides memory-safe time synchronization.

Funded by Sovereign Tech Fund, Prossimo and NLnet Foundation.

Clients who trust us for Rust engineering:

Bluebird Power:

Tweede golf developed a crucial part of the charging control firmware in our home EV charging station, ahead of schedule. We're especially glad that the same team of developers will be working with us on the next steps of this project. We are impressed by both the quality and the pace of Tweede golf's work.
Bart Holthuizen
Co-Founder - Bluebird Power

Committed to Rust

Software must become safer, and not just our own. We are committed to consolidating the adoption of Rust:
  • Education

    We developed teach-rs, a ready-to-use university course to help teachers of computer sciences to get their students started with Rust.
  • Open-source work

    We contribute to the community by doing our work open source whenever we can.
  • Advocacy

    We support the community as a silver member of the Rust foundation and as a regular organisor or sponsor of community events.