Your partner for systems engineering

We build systems that are secure by construction with Rust.

Our Systems Expertise

  • From standalone team to leading your team
  • Fixed price or T&M engagements

Systems engineering

We help our clients to build modern, memory-safe systems components with Rust. Our experience includes internet infrastructure, time synchronization, and Linux core utilities.

Internet Security Research Group:

Delivering solid results quickly, comes from a team that is focused on the task at hand. That definitely is an aspect of TG's work that we appreciate because it leads to impressive efficiency.
Josh Aas
Executive Director and Co-Founder - Internet Security Research Group

Our work

Blogs and cases to judge our experience by

Emergency response

Dutch emergency services (fire brigade, (air) ambulance, police, etc) depend on the P2000 paging system to respond to alarms. This system is from the 90s, making resources and bandwidth extremely limited. We worked on a new Rust implementation, including scheduling and encoding messages for the pagers, in collaboration with our client's engineers, Technolution.

Sudo and su

For the ISRG, the creators of Let's Encrypt, we implemented sudo-rs, a Rust implementation of the ubiquitous Linux 'sudo' command, critical on open-source operating systems that power the Internet.

The project is a joint effort with Ferrous Systems.

Time synchronization

Running on millions of devices and servers, NTP and PTP are vital building blocks of the Internet and other critical infrastructure. Our initiative, Project Pendulum, provides memory-safe time synchronization.

Funded by Sovereign Tech Fund, Prossimo and NLnet Foundation.

Clients who trust us for systems engineering: