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The Dutch government offers the AHN [1] as a way to get information about the height of any specific place in the country. They offer this data by using a point cloud. That is, a large set of points with some additional meta information. With the current version of the AHN the resolution of the dataset is about eight points per square meter. This results in about 2.5TB of compressed data for the relatively small area of the Netherlands. While this is something that is not impossible to store locally, it does offer some challenges.

De verhouding tussen groen (bomen, struiken, gras) en grijs (bebouwing, tegels, straat) is door de jaren heen verslechterd, met name in de steden. Weinig groen kan voor veel problemen zorgen, zoals slechte opname van regenwater en het lang vasthouden van hitte waardoor het in de stad een aantal graden warmer is dan daarbuiten.

At tweede golf, we value innovation: we take the time to research new technologies and subsequently challenge ourselves to try out these new techniques in order to discover new applications. We also like to learn by doing: build something first, ask questions later.