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December 6, 2024
Travelling to the land of the rising sun with Statime
At the beginning of October, David and I went to ISPCS in Tokyo. The ISPCS (IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization) is all about the PTP protocol and related technologies, and we attended because of Statime, our Rust implementation of the Precision Time Protocol.
February 8, 2023
Mindsort: Building a research tool for the Donders Institute
Not all Tweede golf projects are about deep technical challenges. Today, we’d like to talk about a project called Mindsort, to show what this fun project is about and also to give some insight into how we collaborated closely with a university research institute.
April 29, 2022
Introducing Rust in security research
When iHub's Bernard van Gastel asked us to help them start with Rust, we were somewhat surprised by their bold step but absolutely happy to assist. In this article we'll describe how we went about designing a workshop for the iHub team.
May 24, 2016
Augmented Reality with web technologies
With the start of the implementation of the WebRTC API around 2012, javascript developers gained access to the video and audio streams coming from webcams and microphones. This paved the way for augmented reality (AR) applications that were build solely with web technologies. Using webtechnologies for AR is also called “the augmented web”.
August 2, 2015
Point Light Shadows In Three.js, part II
Follow up post on point light shadows in Three.js.
May 21, 2015
Point light shadows in Three.js
For a research and development project we created a small garden environment in which you can place lights. The objective was to visualise what your garden would look like during the night, beautifully lit according to your personal light design.