Tech blog on web, security & embedded
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March 15, 2021
Kubernetes access with your yubikey
KubiKey as a project started out with one main goal: streamline and make more secure the process of accessing the kubernetes cluster used by Tweede golf.
March 15, 2021
David's first weeks at Tweede golf
David is Tweede golf's newest addition, and not just any addition, he combines his work as a software engineer with a PhD in theoretical high energy physics. Specialized in the field of privacy and security, David brings a lot of knowledge to the team. For 2021 we were on the look-out to strengthen our expertise in this domain. David joining the team is just that!
April 13, 2020
The persistent microservice
The point of setting up a miniservice architecture is to enable horizontal scaling, improve reusability and to speed up development by separating each domain into an independent application. Miniservices depending on a database pose a number of challenges. We'll explore a couple of them.
January 23, 2020
Transitioning to a miniservice architecture
Imagine this: you have made the wise choice of taking the monolith-first approach, setting up an application. You have read my previous article about the pros and cons of miniservices. And now, the time has come to start the transition to a miniservice architecture. How do you go about that?
September 3, 2019
From monolith to miniservices (indeed, not microservices)
Tweede golf has built quite a few big web applications over the last ten years. One of our specialties being the development of Symfony applications, some of these applications have become massive, with a lot of separate functionality baked into a single monolith. For now, this situation is being contained as we've been strict about minimizing technical debt. In practice, however, it's extremely hard to completely avoid accumulation of technical debt, which is one of the reasons we have started looking into introducing microservice architectures into our projects.
September 3, 2018
Rust als webplatform?!
Wat is over 5 jaar het winnende open source webplatform? Inmiddels begint PHP - ondanks PHP7 - zijn ouderdom te tonen. Alternatieven als NodeJS zijn wel werkbaar, maar in lang niet alle scenario’s geschikt. We vertellen je graag waarom wij denken dat Rust de nieuwe speler kan worden voor high-performance applicaties op het web.
March 6, 2018
Server-side rendering voor React web apps
Client-side rendering versus server-side rendering. Wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van beide methodes en hoe kun je het beste uit beide combineren? En wat zijn hiervan de consequenties op verschillende niveaus?