
Tech blog on web, security & embedded
Just because we're engineers, doesn´t mean we build ALL our applications ourselves. But sometimes inspiration hits and good things happen. So our company planner is now canvas-rendered, has a Rust backend and works like a charm.
Client-side rendering versus server-side rendering. Wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van beide methodes en hoe kun je het beste uit beide combineren? En wat zijn hiervan de consequenties op verschillende niveaus?
February 16, 2016

React and Three.js

In the autumn of 2015, we got to know the popular javascript library React very well, when we used it to create a fun quiz app. Soon the idea arose to research the usage of React in combination with Three.js, the leading javascript library for 3D. We've been using Three.js for some years now in our projects and we expected that using React could improve code quality in 3D projects a lot.
Follow up post on point light shadows in Three.js.
April 17, 2015

Threejs rotations

In this post we create a first person 3D setting, and we use rotations to accomplish this.
April 3, 2015

WebVR and Three.js

Let's start simple. Our first WebVR application is a big cube in Threejs and a simple 3D scene floating inside that cube. The 3D scene consists of a transparent floor with a few simple rectangular shapes placed on it.