
Blog posts and open-source work



  • Full stack developer

Bram gained eternal fame as the founder of Frietopia, an advocate of the Dutch fries culture. He studied computer science and philosophy at Radboud University and has been working at Tweede golf for years.

He’s a very experienced developer who works extremely precisely and leaves nothing to chance. But also: lover of minimalist opera and continental philosophy. He wrote his bachelor thesis on Plankalkül, the first high-level programming language.

De verhouding tussen groen (bomen, struiken, gras) en grijs (bebouwing, tegels, straat) is door de jaren heen verslechterd, met name in de steden. Weinig groen kan voor veel problemen zorgen, zoals slechte opname van regenwater en het lang vasthouden van hitte waardoor het in de stad een aantal graden warmer is dan daarbuiten.
In 2014 we won an innovation grant from the province of Gelderland based on our proposal to provide 'intelligent' gardening advice to users of Draw Your Garden (Dutch: Teken Je Tuin). We created this web application for one of our clients and we have been gradually expanding it since its release. In the app users can both design their garden and view it in 3D as well as order products and contact gardeners, who in turn can submit proposals based on the users' design.

Open-source work

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zlib-rs is a memory-safe Rust implementation of zlib, the widely-used compression library, used primarily on the web to provide gzip compression to the text/html/js/css we send around.

The initial development of zlib-rs was started and partly funded by Prossimo. It's now governed by the Trifecta Tech Foundation as part of their Data Compression initiative.


Statime is an initiative of Tweede golf, an open-source implementation of the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) in Rust.

High-precision timing is part of crucial networking infrastructure. With Statime we provide a memory-safe alternative for existing implementations.

The first milestones of the project were kindly co-funded by the NLnet Foundation.

Statime is part of Project Pendulum. In July of 2023 the Sovereign Tech Fund invested in Pendulum, securing development and maintenance in 2023, and maintenance and adoption work in 2024.